A more disciplined you in 2022: Are you ready?

I don’t know about you, but to me this past year has gone by so fast. It seems like just weeks ago I wrote in my bullet journal a list of things I wanted to focus on in the New Year — that was at the end of December 2020. The list wasn’t super long, but it included some items I didn’t have much time for when the pandemic started. I wanted to read more fiction. Write more answers on Quora. Spend more time developing my blog. Create a series of growth mindset e-books on topics like mindsets, goal-setting, changing bad habits, eliminating procrastination, and developing a self-disciplined lifestyle to make space for all those good things.

The growth mindset e-book series took the most time to create, but it was well worth it. Of all the topics I researched, self-discipline is by far my favorite one. It’s like taking on a challenge because I want to change the perception of this concept. How so? Well, for many people self-discipline sounds like a form of punishment and something that’s reserved only for people in the military or top-notch athletes. But that’s far from the truth! Self-discipline is not an abstract concept. It’s something tangible, real, and applicable to your life. Think of it as the ability to control, correct, or regulate yourself to work hard or behave in a particular way for the purpose of self-improvement. And even more important, knowing how to do this on your own without asking for direction, guidance, or permission from anyone else.

I know that as we approach the end of the year, we’re all going to be thinking about how we can make the next 12 months better in some way. Maybe we’ll start writing our New Year’s resolutions to reach an important goal, practice a habit to be healthy and fit, or just create more time in our day to focus on one activity or skill we find valuable. Keeping a self-discipline journal is a great idea to stay on track and hold yourself accountable. And believe me, even the smallest of habits will add up to big results.

Try it for yourself! Subscribe with your email and get a free sample of My Self-Discipline Journal.  

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