What do you think is the most underrated growth habit?

Thinking things through.

Sounds logical, reasonable, even obvious. Yet many people don’t give themselves time to do it. Instead, they react in the moment. Jump to conclusions. See things only as they appear on the surface. Don’t bother asking why. Ignore consequences of their words and their actions. Distract themselves with little things that they will soon forget.

Yet, thinking things through is a sign of maturity and a huge opportunity for personal growth. It can positively affect every area of your life, from academic to professional, personal to social. It can change your mindset too — so you can see what you are capable of achieving and how much you can actually take control over your life.

It’s not really complicated. Thinking things through means:

  • Making a connection between your thoughts and actions on the one hand — and consequences on the other.
  • Using your critical thinking skills to think about a problem independently, without looking to other people to immediately assist you.
  • Taking the time to consider the entire situation from all angles before saying anything or taking any action.
  • Considering how resolving a problematic situation can affect your life in the long term.
  • Asking yourself questions like, “What is the outcome I desire or a goal I want to reach?” instead of “What is going to make me feel good right now?”

Here are several areas of your life where you can benefit from thinking things through, versus reacting in the moment.


If I wake up 30 minutes earlier to go for a run or exercise, how much can I improve my overall health and fitness six months from now?


The bed is so warm and cozy, I’ll just hit the snooze button and I’ll start running tomorrow.


This year I want to graduate from college and get a job so that I can develop my skills further and become financially independent.


I don’t really know why I have to keep going to classes, they’re boring and I don’t even think I’m going to graduate.


I have an important meeting tomorrow morning so I’ll go to bed early and get enough sleep.


This show on Netflix is so interesting, I’ll keep watching more episodes. I don’t need that much sleep, this is more fun!


My partner and I love each other so I know that this disagreement doesn’t mean it’s the end of the relationship. We’ll do our best to be honest with each other without being hurtful and saying mean things.


When I feel hurt, I will lash out and say whatever comes to mind. I want my partner to hurt too! I don’t care if we break up over this.


If I figure out a way to solve this problem and dedicate more time to exploring all my options, I will become more resilient and learn how to deal with obstacles when they show up.


This problem is causing me too much pain. I can’t even see how to get out of the situation, so what’s the point to try and figure it out? I’ll just quit.

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