The way I feel about things changes easily and often. How can I change?

Maybe you haven’t spent any amount of time on those feelings. After all, there’s a saying that feelings are fickle – they change constantly anyway, so why should you care about them?

There’s one good reason: It’s important to take a longer look at what you’re experiencing.

For example, take the time to answer these questions:

When an emotion shows up, acknowledge it. Is there a word for it: happy, sad, anxious, excited?

What happened right before you felt it, was there a specific event or a series of thoughts you had before the emotion popped up?

Can you notice a pattern in your emotions, in other words do you react to your surroundings in similar ways over time?

Do you get easily distracted by what’s happening around you?

Is there something that bothers you right now in your life that you would like to change; if so, what is it?

If there’s something that’s worth changing, it’s not you — rather, it’s worth it to understand yourself better. All the feelings and thoughts you are having need some attention and time. Start a journal and write a bit each day about what you are experiencing. Chances are you’ll be surprised at what comes out when you give it some space. It is well worth it.

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