Why is it important to change yourself?

Because, no matter what decade or time of life you find yourself in today, your goal should always be to grow.

Growing is scary. It’s about stepping into unknown territory. You haven’t tried something before, and there’s no cheat sheet to give you instructions on what to do.

Growing is uncomfortable. You realize there are things you do not know, and you’ll have to learn them. Sometimes, what you already know is too little. You need to take a deep breath, roll up your sleeves, and get to work.

Growing is humbling. As you practice new skills, you’ll fall flat on your face and often. You will make mistakes, some small and others quite big. You’ll understand that this process isn’t for the impatient or bored. You won’t feel important or wise — and that’s OK.

Growing is beautiful. It’s about being curious about the world, how things work, how people connect to one another, what makes us feel alive, what gives us energy to go do the next thing. It’s about being in a constant state of experimentation: learn, practice, make mistakes, learn from them, practice again, discover something new in the process.

Growing is being human. It’s about turning every day into an opportunity to find out something new about ourselves. How little we know and how much we can learn. How vulnerable we are when we go through a life-changing event. How brave we are when we’re faced with difficulty and manage to pull through. How excited we are at the opportunity to explore what our new and improved self can do, when we give ourselves permission to live.

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